Saturday, 20 August 2022

 Yoga has kept me sane all these years and through-out covid. It continues to sustain my immune system to combat covid and its mutations. 

yoga pushes/carries the life to give the body life, vitality, flexibility, strength, structure, composure....the ability to be and do...relief from stress. Prana is transported to areas of the physical body not reached by normal movement.

Yoga works on other level of self, mental, emotional, spiritual. Self awareness and mindfulness has been included in psychology as a well-being strategy. It has originated from yoga which is written in the ancient Sanscript language of India.

Asana is the postures which begin to release the body from tension and stress and directs prana to certain areas and organs of the body.

Pranayama, the breathwork, focuses on the breath which is the first element and quintessential to physical life. It is the most substantial way that prana( vital life force) enters the body

Yoga Nidra is relaxation techniques. We all need to learn how to let go and give our body permission to relax; complete stillness is a key.

meditation takes us to higher levels of awareness and spirituality reaching a peaceful bliss....freedom from everyday thought and worries. If you can find complete nothingness for even an instance, it will rejuvenate you.     buttons and labels for background to yoga and my initial course. Many other workshops have been completed over the years but these blogs were, more so, used to document martial arts training. 

Most recently (July2022) I did a worshop on Bandhas(locks) with Yoga in daily life...swamaji Gopal. There are many benefits from these locks, when released bandhas blast prana internally directed to certain areas, organs and tissues of the body.

I find,the hand and foot bandha relieve the pressure on the wrist and ankles during yoga practice                    

Tuesday, 22 March 2022

 Have been doing Ninjitsu with a young sensei who's understanding of the Japanese terminology is well developed. To his credit to make such an effort with language as it really is essential to a better understanding of the technique. It is a combination of Judo and Aikido and varies from other Ninjitsu that I have engaged with. very limited experience. Will be doing a few different styles for a while as I have an idea about performance(theatrics)

Monday, 21 March 2022

 Two years of lock-down and thought I should retire. But no I'm thinking of growth so that it employs 1, if not 2 people. So started training to see if I still had it.